Columbia, MO | Rochester, MN
Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
Nutrition Therapy
“My work with my dietitian has greatly improved my quality of life! She has helped me to overcome malnourishment and significant food avoidance. My dietitian’s kind and professional demeanor make each session productive and enjoyable. Her in-depth knowledge of food exposures and ARFID treatment has been evident since I began working with her. She is supportive and encouraging and has met each of my food aversions with understanding and gentle encouragement. I am so grateful for Erika and I encourage anyone with ARFID to work with her!”
it takes a team.
ARFID is unique in which it requires an eating disorder team that is even more specialized. Because ARFID is not like many other eating disorders, commonly referred to as a Feeding Disorder, we have studied and learned from experts the best ways to support you or your loved one.
Your feeding disorder might be rooted in one of the following:
Lack of Interest
or Avoidance of Sensory Characteristics of Food
If you recognize that your feeding disorder is causing unintentionally weight loss, poor growth, nutritional deficiencies, dependence on oral nutrition, avoidance of eating with others or eating out, obsessive thoughts around food, or has severely limited your repertoire of preferred foods, it is absolutely the time to build your support team!
We want you to have an idea of what to expect in working with one of us, so here’s a glimpse.
what does an eating disorder dietitian do?
To become specialized in feeding and eating disorders takes passion, experience, and constant learning. The field of eating disorders is always changing; New research studies come out every year that teaches eating disorder experts how to attempt treatment differently. For example, it wasn’t long ago that ARFID became a diagnosis in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSMV). ARFID formally became recognized in 2013, but has been something individuals have struggled with for years. ARFID, before it was diagnosed, was considered “Selective Eating Disorder.” This goes to show that eating disorder research is still changing. New forms of feeding and eating disorders are being identified and studied to understand the best treatment interventions to help you recover.
Being on your treatment team, as an eating disorder specialist, means that we believe in giving you the best care possible.
Here are some of our main concerns:
Do you have a treatment team?
If the answer to this question is no, then we work very hard to help build this treatment team for you. The treatment team consists of a dietitian, therapist and physician. With ARFID, sometimes the treatment team also includes an Occupational Therapist if sensory or fear are some of the main barriers to eating. Ideally, all of these individuals will be specialized in the treatment of feeding and eating disorders, because you deserve nothing but the best.
Are you eating a meal plan that supports your daily needs, goals, and endeavors?
As your dietitian, we put on our clinical lens and make sure that you are eating in a way that supports all the dreams and aspirations you have so that you remain healthy and able. Often with ARFID, one of our primary concerns is correcting any potential nutrient deficiencies. We work together to set goals and give you enough guidance and structure to your meal plan so you know what foods to have or practice getting exposure with.
Are your eating disorder behaviors preventing you from making true friendships and being social?
This is a big one. You know why? Because first and foremost, relationships are so important! You are an amazing person and we want your friends and family to share experiences and memories with you. Your quality of life is important to us. We will help you learn skills that allow you to feel comfortable in any social setting, have at least one type of food you can eat, and increase your list of preferred foods to make your life easier. We also want to help you transform some of those relationships into great supporters of your recovery. An eating disorder thrives in isolation.
What else is your eating disorder holding you back from?
Tied with #3, we want to make sure you are living your best life. Our goal for you is eating disorder recovery. For individuals with ARFID, this means decreasing anxiety around eating and having more foods that you can eat comfortably on a regular basis. We hope that this is your goal as well if you have chosen to work with us. Nothing is more important to us than you living a full and happy life, and guess what, food is a big part of that life.
Some of the things we do are:
Nutrition Therapy
Each session is a time and space for you to discuss all things related to food (and sometimes body image/weight) with the person who knows food best (a dietitian!). Think of this as Food Therapy. When else do you have the opportunity to really challenge some of your thoughts around food for an entire hour? We know food is one of the highest thought about things for you, so here is a space to let it all out.
Meal Therapy
We are not a treatment center, but we do like to eat with you! This of course is not something we do with all of our clients, but we sometimes might recommend it! Meal therapy is a great time to challenge foods with support right beside you, work on getting consistent with certain meals, or work towards normalizing food behaviors. Usually meal therapy is about 30-60min long. If it is 60min then we usually process afterwards together. Meal therapy can also be helpful for parents to receive live feedback about behaviors or words they could use to be support for their loved one.
Food Exposures
Often in our sessions with ARFID clients we will do food exposures. We like to be really organized so in between sessions you can make the most of your sessions!
During your initial visit, we will discuss initial paper-work and go through your treatment history, nutrition and health journey, current state, and where you’d like to be. We will help you learn about ARFID and understand your current relationship with food. Together we will develop a plan to help you heal. We will dive.a little deeper, working with you to understand which foods are limiting you socially and/or nutritionally. We will work to gradually expand your comfort with different food options. It is okay if you do not know where you’d like to begin, we will help you get started. Together we will set goals and lay the blueprints for what you’d like your relationship with food to look like. From this point forward we are partners and our only goal is to help you feel confident and happy! You can expect meal plan guidance and assignments to keep you on track.