Columbia, MO | Rochester, MN

Building Body Trust


See what previous group members have to say about the group….


What to expect

This is a group for any adult individual who struggles with body image and is looking for a new way to process and address these struggles. Individual sessions are great for understanding the root at which body image is an issue for you personally, and group can be a wonderful next step to implementing skills, learning from others, and processing out loud with other people who have similar experiences and struggles. Group might be exactly what you need to have a fresh outlook and a new motivation to conquer the looming and magnificent stress that body image brings to your daily life.

Each group is 90min. The first 30min consists of reflecting on the previous week- body image challenges and wins, discussion is led by Registered Dietitian, Erika Conte. Then, we will jump into the lesson. Handouts will be provided so you can take notes and remember the important concepts and skills discussed. Each lesson tackles a different aspect of body image- the things that confuse us, prevent us from accepting our own body, exposing our own biases, and what we may not understand when it comes to body size, nutrition and health.

Where & When: Group will be online (Zoom) Tuesdays from 5:00-6:30pm.

(You are welcome to eat during if needed! We understand it is dinner time for many folks)

Price: $260 per session, payment required in full on the first day of group. No refunds once group has started, No make-ups for missed group.

I am truly grateful for all the education this group has given me and to Bamboo Nutrition as a whole. With the help of all of the staff at Bamboo Nutrition I now feel confident that I can make progress on my journey and I no longer feel hopeless and lost.
— June 2024 Participant

Session Curriculum

First 4 Weeks (May-June 2024)

Week 1: Exploring what you really want / how to address fear of body changes

Week 2: Intuitive Eating and body image

Week 3: Cultivating a positive relationship with movement

Week 4: Body Image Triggers: How to not let it impact food choices

Second 4 weeks (July-August 2024)

Week 1: Ten steps to positive body image

Week 2: Body Neutrality vs. Body Positivity

Week 3: Small steps toward worth beyond beauty

Week 4: Letting go of the desired body / Journaling activity

Stay tuned for future groups.

Please complete the form below to let us know you are interested!