We often feel swayed to make our resolutions about our health, most often about weight loss. However, pour our time and money into diet after time Is a waste. Here are other ideas for how to best spend your time and budget, including ideas other than for weight loss.
Gila Monster... Are Ozempic and Wegovy Safe?
Can I take Ozempic/Wegovy just for weight loss?
There are a lot of things to consider when thinking about taking Ozempic or Wegovy for weight loss. We break down the things to consider by explaining what these medications are, how they were discovered and developed, where the research stands, what your options are during a shortage like we find ourself in now (2023), and other helpful health behaviors.
4 Steps To Improve Your Body Image
How to Eat According to A Woman's Menstrual Cycle
The education most women receive in school regarding the menstrual cycle includes limited information about how nutrition can aid in symptom management. We will look at the different phases in a womanโs cycle, what is happening during each phase, and how nutrition can make a difference in how you feel!