Columbia, MO | Rochester, MN

Body Image Concerns

Therapy Services


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Body image concerns are something majority of individuals face and can be a daily interruption. Body image can become affected from a very young age by how we are parented, how bodies are talked about, and definitely by culture and our environment. Standards of beauty are constantly changing, and technology makes expectations for beauty impossible to obtain. The internet becomes a more dangerous place, our internal thoughts and biases become walls that we build around ourselves that trap our self esteem and self worth inside. As we age, body image can improve, and it can also get worse. It is a process that takes time, energy, and devotion to begin healing.

Most of our clients have experienced some sort of trauma around their bodies that make it difficult to fathom self acceptance. Negative body image is not a stranger to anyone, or at any time in our lives. To heal your relationship with your body includes taking steps such as adjusting your expectations, setting boundaries, grief work, increasing insight and awareness, and developing self compassion.

Body neutrality is something we encourage striving towards as a first step. Becoming tolerant of your body then beginning to feel neutral about it. Of course, acceptance and maybe even love is something that can be obtained, but it doesn’t have to be our initial goal. Ultimately, we hope for peace for all of our clients in their relationship with their bodies.

Symptoms of poor body image

Some common symptoms may include, but are not limited to:

  • Avoiding, Isolating, or Withdrawing in social settings, from social opportunities, and outings with all types of people (friends, family, strangers, colleagues)

  • Having thoughts of shame, anger, disgust towards your body (can be very hateful language)

  • Struggling to find clothing that you like on yourself and often wearing the same items of clothing or clothes that are too big or too small for your body. This can also include base layers such as underwear, bras, etc. that are very uncomfortable.

  • Engaging in disordered eating and movement behaviors such as restriction, binge eating, avoiding food groups, fasting, dieting, over-exercising, movement as punishment, avoiding movement, etc.

  • “Body checking” which can mean staring at yourself in the mirror, constantly touching certain body parts in aim to measure, feel if there is a difference in size or circumference, pinching, grabbing, etc.

  • Thinking about your body all day, every day

Ready to take the next step?

Body image is often a long process because there is so much that impacts our body image and has impacted our beliefs about body size, beauty and health. There is a lot to unpack and reflect upon. These sessions may feel heavy some days and feel extremely impactful and moving other days. Both types of therapy sessions are wonderful because it means the healing work is being done.

Therapy for the treatment of body image concerns is typically conducted one time per week, sometimes more often and sometimes less often, and in 55min sessions.

Please reach out to us if you are ready to schedule an appointment. We will let you know when our first available appointment is and provide you with other resources to build a comprehensive team, if needed, as well.