Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)

When it comes to treating trauma and alleviating PTSD symptoms, there are two general types of approaches: “Bottom-up,” or “Top-down.” “Bottom-up” approaches work with the part of the brain responsible for igniting those flight/fight/freeze symptoms such as panic attacks or flashbacks. EMDR or art/music therapy are common examples of bottom-up approaches. By calming the overly-active part of the brain, people find healing from PTSD. But healing can also work the other way. “Top-Down” approaches work with the part of the brain responsible for “putting on the breaks” and slowing down those reactions.

Drs. Kathleen Chard, Patricia Resick, and Candice Monson developed Cognitive Processing Therapy in the late 80’s as a “Top-down” approach which has proven immensely effective in treating PTSD. In CPT, you will work in the therapist to identify thoughts and unconsciously-held beliefs about the event, yourself, or the world, and explore those thoughts in a safe and non-judgmental environment. Because CPT works primarily with the thoughts you developed following the traumatic event, clients don’t have to necessarily go into detail recounting the event itself in order to heal. CPT is best for older adolescents or adults who may be more comfortable with a cognitive approach. Would you like to see if CPT may be right for you? Click the link below to schedule an intake.