| (573) 343-4017

Columbia, MO | Rochester, MN

Heart Health

Nutrition Therapy


tired of always being told to change your eating and never given any direction?

Maybe this resonates with you, or maybe this resonates with your spouse, child or caregiver. Nonetheless, nutrition can play a big part in either increasing or decreasing your lifespan when you are diagnosed with a heart condition.

Below you will find a list of common heart conditions we work with.

How can we help?

We know that we are not the cure to your illness. However, we often see that our clients are told to make changes by other providers with no follow up or information on how! Not all heart conditions require intense diet modifications. Sometimes we only ask our clients to make little tweaks here and there but we stay in touch and follow up often because as you age, your nutritional needs change. Other times your chronic condition is strongly linked to your nutritional intake and we can provide you with the understanding and skills on how to make those long-lasting changes without you spending hours on potentially unsuccessful attempts trying to figure it out on your own.

At Bamboo Nutrition we do not believe in diets. We don’t want to restrict or limit any of your favorite foods, rather, we will help you to understand your body’s needs, enjoy all foods and know how to incorporate them into your diet. We want to be your teammate, your support and accountability. We also do not push weight loss, but rather we focus on food and activity behaviors and work with you to make positive changes that you enjoy and can continue to do without feeling overwhelmed or unhappy. We practice from a Health At Every Size framework which means we do not assign value to your weight but focus on what the rest of your body is telling us it needs (bloodwork, mental health, cardiorespiratory fitness, and food behaviors).

chronic diseases we commonly work with (but are not limited to):

  • Coronary Heart Disease (history of heart attack or heart surgery)

  • High Blood Pressure

  • High Blood Lipids (Hyperlipidemia, High Triglycerides, High Cholesterol)




During your initial visit, we will discuss initial paper-work and go through your treatment history, nutrition and health journey, current state, and where you’d like to be. We will review your goals, level of motivation and support system. It is okay if you do not know where you’d like to begin, we will help you get started. Together we will set goals and lay the blueprints for what you’d like your health to look like. From this point forward we are partners and our only goal is to help you feel confident and energized!