Looking for a Dietitian to Present to your Business?
Bamboo Nutrition helps individuals see through diet culture and fads and educates on real nutrition topics and outcomes. Our dietitian’s approaches include health at every size (no weight stigma) and all foods fit (anti-diet).
If you’re looking for a nutrition expert to present to your group, we are happy to help. It is advised that you provide a nutrition presentation from a registered dietitian, not a ‘nutritionist,’ in order to protect your group’s interest and knowledge on nutrition-related topics.
Bringing nutrition into the workplace, school-setting, or organization is a great way to build confidence, acceptance, and further deepen friendships. When individuals feel safe discussing nutrition with each other, it allows for everyone to be themselves. Food and nutrition impact so many of our decisions every day. Not only does stressing over nutrition take away from time we could be spending elsewhere, but it detaches you from the present.
Presentations can be given on any nutrition-related subjects. Below are some of our most popular presentation topics. Fees are based on an hourly rate and may vary depending on the type of presentation and materials.
For more questions, or to book a presentation for your group, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page.
Bamboo Nutrition’s Popular Presentation Topics
What is Intuitive Eating?
The Difference Between Disordered Eating and an Eating Disorder
Nutrition Myth Busters! (Tailored to the group’s interests)
Medical Care in the Treatment of Eating Disorders
Eating Disorders in Pediatrics
Nutrition Around the Holidays
Raising an Intuitive Eater
Nutrition 101
How to Recognize Diet Culture