What happens if I miss a session?


Missed sessions are difficult for everyone involved. We want you to get the most out of your sessions with your dietitian and missing sessions can interrupt that progress and comfort you feel coming in. When there is not consistency, it is a loss to everyone. We ask for a 24 hour notice if you have to cancel or reschedule sessions. Session reminders are sent 48hr out from your scheduled session, so you have plenty of time to notify your dietitian and reschedule, if needed.

Cancelled, rescheduled, or missed sessions that were not done so within 24-hours notice are considered lost time and cannot be made up, thus the session fee is still charged.

Clients who consistently miss or reschedule appointments without notification may have services terminated or restricted, and will be provided with a referral to another dietitian or practice. “Consistently miss” means missing/canceling/rescheduling four sessions within a six-month period.

As with all businesses, it costs to keep the doors open. If there is a cancellation at the last minute, or without 24-hours notice, it’s more often than not that the time slot remains vacant when someone else could have utilized it. Our strict 24-hours cancellation policy is not to disrespect or offend anyone, it is merely to support the day-to-day costs of maintaining a business and to ensure all of our amazing dietitians can make a livelihood. Please keep this in mind and be respectful of your dietitian’s time.