What Sort Of Commitment Is It To Work With A Dietitian At Bamboo Nutrition?

Thank you for asking this question. We try to be very forthcoming about what we do and how we like to work with our clients at Bamboo Nutrition.

Being a private practice dietitian is much different from being in the hospital or outpatient clinic. We love to get to know our clients more and establish a stronger relationship, similar to a relationship you’d have with your therapist.

Maybe you feel “I don’t need a strong relationship with my dietitian. I just want some questions answered.” If this is the case, we may not be the right fit for you. The clients we work with may have many different things going on in their lives that impact their relationship with food. We do not simply provide a meal plan or provide handouts and see you only 3-4 times per year.

How Often Will We Be Meeting?” Is answered here. Our clients report strong outcomes and successes in working with us because they take the time to make their nutrition and health a priority. By going deeper in sessions, taking the time to meal plan, grocery plan, think about barriers to follow-through and discuss your history and current relationship with food, you will be more likely to have sustainable, long-term improvements with your health.