How to handle someone "pushing" food on you on Thanksgiving? (or anytime, really)

We are gearing up for Thanksgiving Day at Bamboo Nutrition, and our dietitians are doing Snack With A Dietitian videos focused on situations you may encounter on Thanksgiving Day and need tips and tricks on how to navigate these situations.

Isabelle Bouchard talked on 11/22/22 about what to do when a family member or friend is “pushing” food on you that they made. Perhaps you’re at a potluck and feel guilty not trying so-and-so’s food. Maybe you feel awkward not trying their food. Maybe they made it JUST FOR YOU!

Here are two options Isabelle discusses. One option is to eat it and another is to not eat it.

Let’s talk about eating the food… here are some things to consider:

  1. Can I make this food work with my meal plan? As a snack or part of my meal?

  2. Is this an opportunity I want to take to challenge myself and further my recovery?

  3. Can I practice Food-For-Love?

What is Food-for-Love? Basically, this food is beyond my meal plan, it is an “addition” or “extra” food, BUT you are choosing to eat this out of love.

Let’s talk about NOT eating the food. Lynn Eaton, another one of our dietitians at Bamboo Nutrition, gave some recommendations on what you can say in response to someone asking you to try something they made in her recent Snack with a Dietitian video and her blog post.

Laura Rende also likes to discuss this concept with her clients: it is ok to say no! You don’t have to say yes to everything. Just because you’re in recovery from diet culture, disordered eating, or an eating disorder does not mean you have to say yes to every challenge in front of you. It is okay to say no.

It is up to you on how you say no, however. We don’t have the magical words for you. You know your family and friends best and have the best anticipation on how they will react. If you can run through some situations or role-play with a friend, or your therapist or dietitian, that would be great practice!

Practice BOTH! Saying yes and saying no. That way whatever you decide to do in the moment, you have prepared for both scenarios.

Bamboo Nutrition is a group practice of registered dietitians in Columbia, MO. If you are looking for a non-diet dietitian, please contact us! We would love to work with you!