Peanut's Blog: What Happens In The Dietitian's Office?


I’m Peanut Bouchard. If you haven’t read my introduction blog, that was a little while ago, I’m not 9 and a half years old!

I LOVE love LOVE working at Bamboo Nutrition. My mom keeps some of my favorite toys there like my stuffed dog, my monkey, and my ice cream cone. I have a hard time being away from my mom so I don’t sit in with every human who comes in, but I like to say hi to you if I’m around! I do better when I get treats :)

My favorite treats are bones because I like to chew on really tough things. But I’ll eat almost anything if it is a treat. Sorry, I digress… It can be hard for me to stay on topic.

What I really wanted to tell you about is what happens in the dietitian’s office. From my point of view, I don’t always understand what the humans talk about but I see all kinds of facial expressions and emotions. Sometimes the humans need me to sit with them or come up and let them pet me because I can tell they are stressed. Sometimes there are tears, most of the time there are laughs and smiles! Sometimes the dietitian eats snacks or food with the humans.

I don’t really have a favorite emotion, I just enjoy seeing all the humans having a space to feel their feelings. I will admit, I do sleep through most sessions… they can be an hour and a half long sometimes! But my mom tells me I’m a cute sleeper so maybe I provide some entertainment for the humans still? I don’t know.

I know the dietitians at Bamboo Nutrition work hard. They come to work early and look at their light up boxes on their desks. Then they click on this other little box after the human leaves and sometimes call other humans. I think this means they are taking care of the human after they leave for the day?

The dietitians in the office like to have lunch breaks. I like this too because I usually need to go to the bathroom.

I don’t know if this was that helpful, but its what I observe from my perspective! I hope I see you in the office!