Peanut's Blog: Introduction


I’m Peanut, you may have met me before or have seen my picture on my Mom’s website. Im a golden-retriever poodle mix, AKA Golden-Doodle! I go by She/Her and my name is Peanut, but sometimes I get called Nut Nut or Peanut Butter, or Butters. I travel with my Mom almost everywhere, but I don’t just tag along to play, i’m working! I’m in training to be a therapy dog. That means I comfort my Mom’s clients and provide emotional support when sessions get tough. I understand when people are sad, frightened, stressed, and angry. When I feel those emotions I put a toy in my mouth and pace back and forth. New places and loud noises make me nervous, but with time I learn that its not so scary after all! If you ever experience those emotions in my Mom’s office, feel free to call me to you because I want to make you feel better!

I’m super friendly and sometimes come on a little strong. I won’t jump on you, but I really like to get pets so i’ll wiggle my body close to you. I promise i’ll leave you alone after a few minutes, I JUST LOVE PEOPLE and it takes a little while to calm myself down. If I ever get annoying, just tell my Mom and she knows what to do. It doesn’t offend me! I love everyone and don’t hold grudges.

I don’t shed, Mom wanted me to say that. She says having a dog that doesn’t shed has changed her world! <3

Sleeping is something I do a lot. I love my bed in my Mom’s office, but if you want me to, I’ll cuddle up next to you on the couch and sleep beside you. I don’t snore or slobber, I’m a pretty calm sleeper. BUT FEEL FREE TO PET ME ANY TIME!! Oooooo I love some good pets. :D

I’m 7 years old, well technically 49 in dog years. My birthday is in December, so Christmas is my favorite holiday because I always get a candy cane bone, one of the BIG ones. I like Valentines Day too because pink is my favorite color. My favorite hobbies are going to the dog park, playing in snow, stealing socks from the laundry, and snuggling with people.

Meeting new people is my favorite thing! If you see me, please say hi and give me a good rub on the back or belly.

Sincerely, Peanut