Have you thought about the unseen damage that social media can cause to your child? Its known that the amount of screen time can be damaging but what about what your teen is actually looking at on a daily basis. As an eating disorder dietitian I work with pre-teens and teens on their body image and food choices. There is a lot of body and food comparisons on social media that make it hard for your child to know what they need and respect their growing bodies. Read this blog to see what social media apps to look out for.
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Food is Not Your Enemy During the Coronavirus
We are living in strange times. With respect to others, we are self-isolating and keeping a social distance. While we spend more times in our homes, our relationships with food may be evolving. Food is not your enemy during this time, despite the frustration, guilt, or shame. Rather than emotionally eating or not eating, use this time to connect with your body and improve your relationship with food. Let food be your ally.