There are lots of different ways to figure out what you’re going to eat. Some people plan for 1-2 weeks at a time. Some plan for a whole month! Others know they will realistically only make 1 or 2 meals a week and so they just plan for those. Whatever works best for you, here are some simple tips to make meal planning easier.
How Do I Eat Mindfully? Where To Start.
Many of Lynn’s clients at Bamboo Nutrition report getting caught up in portion-sizes when in reality, a great place to start is your environment while eating.
I Spit Up My Food: What Is Rumination Disorder?
Peanut's Blog: What Happens In The Dietitian's Office?
What I really wanted to tell you about is what happens in the dietitian’s office. From my point of view, I don’t always understand what the humans talk about but I see all kinds of facial expressions and emotions. Sometimes the humans need me to sit with them or come up and let them pet me because I can tell they are stressed. Sometimes there are tears, most of the time there are laughs and smiles! Sometimes the dietitian eats snacks or food with the humans.