| (573) 343-4017

Columbia, MO

Eating Disorders Nutrition Therapy


Time to get your life back…

No one asks for an eating disorder. No one develops an eating disorder on purpose.

It is important to say this because the shame and guilt around acknowledging you have an eating disorder prevents so many people from getting the help and support they deserve.

There are many things that may bring you to believe you do not deserve treatment, support, or acknowledgement. We are here to tell you YOU ARE WORTH IT. You do not have to fight this battle on your own. Eating disorder (ED) recovery needs a multi-disciplinary team to tackle all the different aspects of how an eating disorder is interrupting your life. Typically EDs are treated with the support of a therapist, registered dietitian, psychiatrist, physician, nurse, and many others who may specialize in eating disorders.

Do not let the idea of being “sick enough” prevent you from living the life your true self wants to live. Instead, build your army and support system rather than letting the eating disorder continue to control your life.

How can a dietitian help?

We will help by monitoring your physical health, helping you with meal planning and structure, and assisting you in ensuring your nutritional needs are being met. Right now food is controlling you and we want to help you regain that control.

A registered dietitian can be a valuable part of the treatment team because we offer you the confidence you need to move past fear foods and inconsistent eating. We teach what you want to know about metabolism and nutrition and help you understand what your body needs so when you are no longer using ED behaviors, you can trust your instincts. Our goal is to help you find food freedom!

See below for what to expect from an initial session with us.

Eating Disorders we treat include…

  • Anorexia Nervosa

  • Binge Eating Disorder

  • Bulimia Nervosa

  • Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorders (OSFED)

  • Avoidant Restrictive Feeding and Intake Disorder

  • Type 1 Diabetes and Eating Disorders

  • Orthorexia (Not included in DSM-V criteria)

My Child has an eating disorder

Being a parent of a child who you know or suspect has an eating disorder is a very frightening place to be in. You may be looking to read all the self-help books, bargaining with your child to get them to eat, feeling like you might be at the point where you have to lock up the food, etc. If you’re wondering what to do next, go to the contact page and reach out to us.

Although Bamboo Nutrition is based in Columbia, MO, we help families and individuals all across the state and we also know the best specialists to refer you to in your area.

It is important that you get your child professional help sooner than later. At Bamboo Nutrition we take an aggressive approach to getting your new healthcare team and treatment goals aligned. We work hard to not only provide the best advanced care for your child, but we take the time to educate the family and support system. Support makes all the difference in treating a young one with an eating disorder. We want to give you the tools you need to feel confidence in following through with our recommendations at home.

See below for what to expect from an initial session with us.



what to expect | Initial session

90 minutes

During your initial visit, we will discuss initial paper-work and go through your treatment history, nutrition and health journey, current state, and where you’d like to be. We will determine a good place to start working towards recovery. Together we will set goals and lay the blueprints for what you’d like your recovery journey to look like. From this point forward we are partners and my only goal is to help you be where you want to be, fully recovered. You can expect meal plan guidance and assignments to keep you on track.


what to expect | Initial session

90 minutes

Family sessions are longer in duration due to the fact that we ask for as many members of the support system as possible be present for the initial session. During this time, we will review each support member’s role as well as spend time individually with the child to hear their story. After a brief history is obtained from each support member, your dietitian will explain to you the next steps for treatment. The initial session is to understand your story, goals and expectations, as well as ensure your child is receiving the correct level of treatment. At your follow up session your dietitian will may provide you with handouts, resources, education and a plan for how you will move forward together. Follow up visits do not require the entire support system to be present, but it is asked that a parent or guardian be present every 4th follow up session to ensure progress.


we are Your Eating Disorder Dietitians!